Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Grimm Halloween

Halloween is a favorite holiday around the Grimm house, so I couldn't very well let the week of Halloween go by with a B'more Geek Halloween comic. Couple that with the fact that I just got my Nintendo DSi this week, with the AWESOME Scribblenauts, and this strip pretty much wrote itself.

I've been wanting to get a new game system for a while now, and until recently I had been leaning toward a Wii. However, once a friend showed me Scribblenauts, I quickly reconsidered. And yes, Cthulhu was one of the first items I summoned in the game. I'm not sure what that says about me, but I thought it was awesome that he was actually included amongs the multitude of other items. This game was definitely created by geeks, for geeks. So if you are one, and you have a DS, check this game out! The open-endedness of the game is it's greatest asset, and also makes it a little annoying at times. Once you get into Advanced Mode and have to figure out how to solve the puzzles for the third time using different equipment then you've already used, it can quickly become maddening. The game really makes you think. Although, I do find the "Action" levels FAR MORE ANNOYING then the puzzles, because Maxwell doesn't always do what you want/expect. That aside, the game is really fantastic and inventive. It's also totally worth the price of admission.

I haven't enjoyed a new/different game this much since Katamari Damacy, and that's saying a lot!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the strip, and have a happy and safe Halloween! For those that are wondering, I'm actually planning on dressing like Captian America from Ultimates 2 this year, and I'll be taking Supergirl (Lilly) trick or treating. I'll be sure to post pictures with the next strip.


  1. I suppose the other guy is Mel in his home made Captian America costume....

    Sometimes you lose at Arkham Horror, and sometimes you really lose....

  2. I've never gotten direct confirmation the other guy is me, but the clues are My wife asked me did i want to dress up as Cap on saturday. I said 'no'. LOL!

  3. Yes, the other guy is supposed to be Mel. And the costume is modeled after Isaiah Bradley's costume, not Steve Rogers, since I figured if Mel was going to dress as a Captain America, Isaiah would be more accurate. Then again, we all know that he'd be more likely to just show up in a Stone Cold T-Shirt and call it a day.
