And yes, the punchline for today's comic is entirely true. I probably have committed why too many minutes to trying to prove that with the new WizKids release, that we've been waiting for, for a year, that they've decided to finally move from the L shaped dial slots to the "pie-shaped" ones that allow them to have more then one power in a particular slot without having to actually give the character a special power to accomplish said task.
Personally I'm hoping that they are moving to these dials which will give them a little more design freedom, while bringing the dials closer to running straight from the PAC again. It's a smart move, and I think most players will catch on to the change with little to no learning curve. And lets face it, the less we need white blocks on the dial, the better.
I LOVE special powers, but they were getting a little out of hand. I'd personally like to see HeroClix "go back to basics" more anyway. I think Feats have run there course, and I personally like the feel of event dials over Battlefield Conditions, but I know I'm also in the minority on that one.
Ultimately, I love where NECA seems to be going with the product, and I'm interested to see how it grows and changes over the next year.
While I think it would be cool, I just don't think there is enough imperical evidence. Of course, they are being so preposterously secretive about the dials i'm starting to get nervous about ordering a case, so...I'm into a bit of Conspiracy Theory myself at this point.