Sunday, June 13, 2010

In Your End, Oh!

First off, let me say that this is paraphrased from a post that I did on HCRealms that I didn't realize until after the fact was steeped with innuendo. And if you know the character/HeroClix I'm talking about, it makes it even funnier. For those that are unaware (and if you are, you came here by accident, or you're my Mom), the character I'm talking about in the comic is Megan Fox's character in the new Jonah Hex movie that comes out next weekend.

The character of Lilah is a prostitute and the corresponding HeroClix that comes out in August is based on a figure from one of the earliest sets called the "Con Artist." Now HeroClix is a game that's aimed at a demographic where parents wouldn't like to see a figure named "Prostitute" but that's basically what the Con Artists looked like, and that's what some Clixers call them.

Anyway, if you didn't catch the innuendo the first time around, go back and re-read the comic with all that in mind. It's much funnier when you look at it completely wrong. Anyway, all that being said, I'm really looking forward to the Jonah Hex movie, although I doubt I'll catch it in a first-run theater. Much like Wolverine last year, I'll probably wait for it to hit the cheap seats and go with one of my guy friends.