Monday, May 31, 2010

Graduation! Now With Wings!

You know how any time you have a big event that requires you to order some sort of special clothing, like a gown for Graduation, your parents (or a spouse) inevitably tell you once it comes in, that you should try it on and make sure it fits? Well that happened MONTHS AGO when Jill’s robe for her graduation showed up. However, between having a second child, and just the chaos of keeping up with the first, getting around to trying on the gown never really happened.

So the night before the ceremony, Jill slides on the gown, and can’t figure out where her hands are supposed to go. Needless to say, this is mere hours before we’re getting into the car to go, so if there is a problem, there’s really not anything we can do about it. Fortunately for us, we discovered the slits in the sleeves before anything drastic (like ripping stitches out) had happened. However, the comedy of what could have been nearly was EXACTLY what happened.

So even though Jill earned her Masters Degree in August, she got to go through the traditional pomp and circumstance of graduation last weekend. And much to her pleasure, both girls did a fairly good job of sitting through the ceremony, and Lilly actually beamed with pride as Mom walked across the stage to be honored as a graduate of the college.

Congratulations, dear! You went through a lot of hard work to earn your Masters and to do it while teaching full time, being a mom, and generally keeping the house in good working order is no small task.

And since this is going up on Memorial Day, I’d like to also say a quick Thank You to all the men and women who serve in the Armed Forces, and to their families that support them.